Unlock the Power of Stacks Without STX

Get started with TX2, the easy way to participate in the Stacks ecosystem

What is TX2?

TX2 is a sponsoring service that allows you to interact with the Stacks blockchain without holding Stacks tokens (STX). Our service removes the barriers to entry, making it easier for you to build, deploy, and use applications on the Stacks network.

TX2 receives so-called sponsored Stacks transactions, verifies them, pays the networks fees and broadcasts the transactions.

How it Works

  1. Sign up: Use your STX address to get started.
  2. Choose your plan: Select a plan that suits your needs, from casual user to heavy developer.
  3. Access granted: We'll take care of the token management, so you can focus on building and using Stacks apps.




Plan Features Price
Basic Token-less transactions, App access $9.99/month
Premium Token-less transactions, App access, Developer tools $29.99/month
Enterprise Custom plan, Priority support Custom quote

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum commitment for TX2?
No minimum commitment is required. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
How do I access the developer tools?
Once you sign up, you'll receive access to our developer portal, where you can find our APIs, SDKs, and documentation.